Saturday, August 14, 2010

Would You Let Your Daughter Marry Into This Family?

Well I know that it is the time of live and let live, and the sins of the father do not really mean that the children will be effected by them. Right? Do you agree?

Think about this. Here is a character reference of the family your beloved daughter is going to marry into.

Nine years before the engagement the future Father-In-Law was indicted and later pleaded guilty to 31 of 69 charges of bank fraud, mail fraud, and wire fraud.[7] Nearly $10 million was involved in the crimes. Shortly after his indictment, he was diagnosed with bipolar disorder, but the judge at his trial disallowed a mental illness defence.[3] After serving five years in federal prison, he was released in April 2008.[8]He is expected to remain on federal probation until 2011, and owes substantial restitution to his victims.[9]

*Sorry about all the parenthesis...this is taken from Wikipedia and the source will be given in full at the end of this post.

To repeat: In 2001, he was convicted of several dozen charges of fraud, and served five years in federal prison...

Now that was nine years ago and he has been out of prison but is on federal probation, but his son is the one marrying your daughter. The son has had a lot to deal with, and his character should not be blemished because of the mistakes made by the father.

The father was a politician and did win some elections. He served in Congress and served on a committee that brought down one famous President in a well known scandal.

Would that make a difference to you?

I suppose if my daughter was in love, and wanted to get married, I could not refuse at all. I would have to stand by her decision knowing I raised her as best I could and gave her everything possible that I could give her to insure her success. You have to let go sometime, right?

This is a very famous daughter of a very famous and highly political couple. Meet the In-laws of Bill and Hillary Clinton. I am sure the future will be a very exciting one for all of them.

I wish Chelsea and her new husband Marc Mezvinsky, every happiness and a beautiful future together.

Edward Mezvinsky's son, Marc, married Chelsea Clinton, daughter of former U.S President Bill Clinton and current U.S. Secretary of State and former U.S Senator from New York Hillary Rodham Clinton in Rhinebeck, New York, on July 31, 2010.[6]

Thanks for the information I paraphrased Wikipedis. Here is the page I took it from.

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